Friday, October 4, 2013


Bus rides from games are always so interesting.  Really dark nights, no street lights, quiet from everyone listening to their own music through headphones, and VERY BUMPY! 
On the latest road trip back home from a road game we hit a bump that must have thrown everyone on the bus in the air for like 4 secs.  It was like we were all MJ up in that piece! 

Just like this video here: 

FACT: A large portion of Iceland's road system is made up of gravel roads, even some the main highways, and more so as you get further away from the Reykjavik and larger towns. The main highway around Iceland, Route 1, circles Iceland in 1428 kilometers of which 272km is dirt road. Most of the population lives in or around Reykjavik so the further you get from the capital the less traffic. On gravel roads you may encounter stretches with potholes or “washboards” and occasionally some sand.

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