Wednesday, October 9, 2013


After support from my family, coach, agent, and friends along with listening to some "My Life is In Your Hands" by Kirk Franklin, I stayed patient and prayed up that good things were still in store for me.

Two days after being cut, I was standing in my kitchen getting ready to fry some chicken...You know your boy does his thizzle!...anyway, I was standing there opening the pack of chicken when my phone rang. 

It was my agent telling me another team in Iceland was interested and would be at my apartment in an hour to pick me up. 

The plan for them to have me participate in some free play to see if they thought I was a good fit.  The way I put in work must have "made them feel some type of way", cause they signed ya boy to a contract!!

What a worldwind of events over the past few days, but I can truly say that I know God has his hands on this entire situation.  I'm now a part of the Akranes (IA) pro basketball team in Iceland.  Just an hour down the road from where I was before.

God is good!  

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