Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Now that we are in the season, we have two games a week.  I spend my week having two practices a day; one with the team and one on my own or with a teammate.  In my downtime, I like to try out new food around town, shop at the American grocery store (oh boy!!), or laying down tracks.

Friday was game day and we had to approach the game with the same mindset as we had in the first two games.  Compete first and foremost.  Leave it all out on the floor.  And it was evident that the other team had the same mentality.  It was a very competitive game, with a close score for the duration if the first quarter. In the second we put the petal to the metal a little more to cushion the lead, though never letting our guard down as to get comfortable.

In the third quarter we took complete control of the game and from there on rode that wave to a victory of 110-90. I finished with 43 points 9 assist and 5 rebounds.

Tomorrow I will be right back in the gym, because as writer Paul Arden says, "It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be."

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