Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I was called into the coaches office on Oct. 5th.  Unexpectedly, I was cut from the team.  The coach stressed that "it's not a question of talent or anything that I did specifically, but that the team wasn't coming together like he thought."

Basically, the reason being due to loses and not my performance.

This reasoning confused me and seemed as if I never had control over my own situation.  My agent described it as if you win the Icelanders did their job, but if you lose then the American didn't do his.
So, in an attempt to show management that adjustments were being made to address the issue and given that I'm the only player they can change, they decided to let me go and bring in a 2 guard who can also play the 3 and 1.  I don't feel this move addressed our real issue of defense, but it's all good.  I definitely believe in my heart that I did my best and was not the problem.  It's just a part of the business side of professional basketball.
All I can do now is understand that things are actually not in my control.  God is in control and all I can do is understand this lesson in business and await the next steps on my journey.
After all, under God's control, when one door closes another one opens.

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