Monday, September 9, 2013


I now have my first pro game under my belt!
The game started out really slow in the first quarter, but fortunately our opponents didn't take advantage. We ended the first quarter only down by 5 pts. In the second quarter we played more uptempo on offense, although we continued to struggle on defense.  Our opponents capitalized by taking an 11 point lead into halftime.   I had 11 points and 2 assists at the half, but knew we needed more to get us back into the game. 
I decided to lead by example in the second half and we started to look like a different team.
After a couple of back to back stops we were able to cut the lead to 5 by end of the third.  At five minutes left in the fourth quarter we finally took the lead before trading baskets up until a minute left in the game.  I took over and hit a stepback jumper for the final tie of the game. - Did I mention the guy almost fell on the step back! - GAME ON!
 With 20 secs left and down by one, I drove to the basket and got fouled as I made the lay up.  I missed the free throw but we got the rebound. I was fouled as I received the pass. I hit the second to put us up by two. They came right back at us with a quick inbounds pass down court, for a drive to the basket and to get fouled. They made both free-throws sending us into overtime.
We finally took control the game in overtime, winning 103-95. I ended the game with 27 and a hand full of assist. 

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