Sunday, September 8, 2013


"In two days I leave to begin a journey I been working towards since the day before forever.  Getting over the hump that at times seemed to tall to conquer, but I refused to give up. Many told me I was wasting time, I should've got a job with my degree, and that I was choosing to struggle. Those were nothing but words of encouragement. Two years without a deal, working at lil Caesars and still finding time to focus on my game. I saw what the bottom felt like and now I'm ready to head in the other direction. For those who stuck behind me and always believed I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. For those who doubted and thought the kid was out... Well lets just say the time is now."

I've chased this dream and will never give up. The struggle is nothing. I will persevere through it all. This is only the beginning!  Momma, I made it!

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