Monday, October 21, 2013


Today was definitely a point guard type of day in the world of basketball.  Chris Paul and I both hit 40 in our games yesterday!

Our opponent's in yesterday's game weren't that good, but we made sure to approach the game as if we were playing the division champions. 
Besides, if you show up slipping a team like this can end up sucking you into their game and beating you.

Like I said, we came out "bussin"! The score was 25-12 at the end of the first quarter and the second quarter was no different.  We took a 50-24 lead into the locker room at the half.

We busted it wide open in the second half, ending the game with a 99-60 victory. I ended the game with 40 points, 11 ast, 6 rebounds, and 5 steals.

2-0 sounds like a good start to me

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