Friday, October 11, 2013


Mama, "I Made It!"

Yesterday was my first professional game of my career. That's right, no exhibitions, no tour games, this was the 'Real Deal HolyField'!

I still can't think but how blessed I am to be here, especially given the past week's events. And yeah, I had a chip on my shoulder, and a message to send to all those who doubted me. I'm here suckas!!!

From the start of the game we came out with a lot of energy, taking the lead and never giving way. Our opponents were fired up too, so the game wasn't a walk in the park. The first half was a back and forth battle; one minute we would be up by 8 or 9 and the next they would cut our lead to 2 or 3. Only up by 3 at the half, we made certain to come back out with the same intensity and energy that we started with. In the fourth we went on a run that increased the lead to 19 and we never looked back. The final score was 99-86.

The biggest adjustment to my new team and the coaches game strategy was that most of the plays are run through me, whether it be a pick and roll, give and go, etc. And let's just say ya boy was on point and more than ready to lead the way.


I ended the game with 46 points, 6 assist, and 6 rebounds. A great early b-day present!!

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