Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Playoffs start in March, so we have to start getting those last little cobwebs off and preparing mentally for the ensuing battles ahead.  Last Friday's opponent was more of a challenge than our last, but on paper we were still the better team. They were dealing with team injuries as well, but given our slow starts we were expecting a fight.  They came out the gate fast and focused as expected and took a small lead but that didn't last very long.

Once over our slow start we were able to take a 13pt lead into halftime.
They decided to change up their defensive plan in the second half, coming out in a zone.  The zone backfired, allowing us to go on a huge run of 3pt baskets and coasting to an easy victory.  Final score was 106-76.  I only played 4 or 5 minutes in the second half and ended the game with 33 pts, 2 rebs  and 4 assist.

We are now tied for 5th place, but have a lot more work to do to solidify our spot in the playoffs.
Visit our team page for more information on rank, schedule, etc.

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