Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Since coming back from the break we have not been able to get a quick start out of the gate and last weeks' game was no different. We were heavy favorites over our opponents which meant we should have had an easy game, but it ended up being a tight first quarter. Our spunk finally kicked in during the second quarter and we formed a comfortable lead before halftime. In the third, we came out with the same intensity as we had going into the half.  This lead to the game getting out of control and becoming very entertaining.  This was a good thing for our fans and even more for us to be able to rotate a lot of guys in and lift our confidence as a team.  We put on a good show. The final score was 103-73. I ended the game with 43 points 9 rebounds and 9 assist. Felt good to finally get another win under our belt.

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