Tuesday, January 14, 2014


We got back at it on January 10th! Our team started off slow, but never fell behind to far. Guess a little rust is expected after a two week break of games. The first half was all about getting back in sync with one another and getting our legs back under us. The first half wasn't that bad. We actually took the lead a couple of times, but was dominated on the boards. We lost our two big men right before the holiday break, so it hurt not having that size in the paint. At the half we were down eight. We made a big run at the start of the second half, cutting into their lead. We stuck with the team throughout teh second half, but unfortunately was never able to gain the lead. We ending up losing the game 100-84. The story of the game was a "battle of the boards", which we lost 42-23. Offensively, things were pretty good for the break, but we have got to work on figuring things out defensively. I finished the game with 31 points 7 assist 5 rebounds and 5 steals.

Next Game: Friday, January 17, 2014

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