Tuesday, September 17, 2013


We came out really slow tonight and were in for a rude awakening. The team we were up against were armed and ready for war. Us on the other hand? Not so much. They took control of the game from the beginning and it remained that way the entire first half. Nothing was going our way. We ended the first half down 18 and I only had 5 points at halftime.

At this point I went up to coach and asked, "What am I doing wrong? What do you need from me?" 
His response: "You're not playing with intensity.  Slacking on defense and dribbling to much on offense."  I told him I was following the game plan as instructed before the game, but would address his concerns once I got back in the game.

I didn't start the second half due to my performance, but once coach put me in with 7 minutes left in the third quarter I didn't come off until the end. I looked and felt like a completely different player, constantly in attack mode and freeing up my teammates like I do best. By the 5 minute mark of the fourth we had wiggled ourselves back into the game and were only down by 8. I hit a 3 pointer falling out of bounds in the left corner with one second on the shot clock to cut deeper into the lead. They answered back with a couple of buckets; however, we were finally able to make it a two possession game cutting the lead to 5.  From there we played the fouling game. The game came within 2, but with only 3 secs left we missed the shot to send the game into overtime or win it.

I ended the game with 26 points 7 assist, 9 rebounds., and 2 steals.  Coach told me after the game that he respected me coming to him at the halftime. 

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